The Mentis Home Page is your default landing page once you are logged into Mentis. Read through the rest of this article to get yourself acquainted with how you can use all the strategically placed shortcuts on this page to simplify your navigation throughout the system.
Note: The numbers below correspond to the numbered circles on the screenshot above
Top Navigation Menu
The top navigation menu is accessible through any page in Mentis and contains shortcuts to the following features
- Home: This button will always take you back to this Home Page from anywhere in the application.
- Apps: Clicking on Apps displays a drop down of all the apps you have marked as your favorite in the system.
- Reports: This button takes you to reports dashboard, where you could access various reports like authorized programs across states, course syllabus summary, total reported publication, award summary and profile edit logs.
- Explore: This button takes you to mentis browse page, where you could browse through profiles, courses, awards and online programs.
- Admin: This button takes you to admin page, where you could manage units, awards, users & roles, configuration, other data like courses, degrees, email types, employee titles, events, majors, patents, etc. and semesters.
- Help & Support: This provides shortcuts to either submit your feedback or report issues as well as to your organization's help guide to the system
- To-Dos: The icon along with the number indicate the number of pending To-Dos you have in the system. Clicking on this icon will take you to the full To-do List
- Updates: The icon along with a number indicate the number of un-read Updates you have in the system. Clicking on this icon will take you to the full Update List.
- Your Display Picture and Name: This indicates your Display Name and Picture in the system (or the details of the currently logged in user). Clicking on this menu brings up the menu to jump to your personal profile or to Logout from the system.
The sidebar is adaptive and contains a list of shortcuts or relevant menu items for the current page you are viewing in the system.
- Applications: When on the home page, this lists some of the recently used or relevant apps for you.
12. Use two arrow icon (<<) to minimize the sidebar and maximize your screen space when you working on large forms. Simply click on the icon again to expand the sidebar when needed.
The footer, like the top navigation menu is accessible through any page in Mentis.
11. Logo: This space will have your organization's logo which maybe configured to directly open your organization's home page in a new window.
Other Features
13. All Apps: All apps appears from the drop down of Apps (2) and can be used to navigate to the full list of apps made available to you in Mentis. Once in All Apps you can mark apps as your favorite or re-order them according to your preference.
14. To-do List: To-do list displays the top 5 most relevant To-dos for you. You can simply click on each item and start taking action.
15. Updates: Updates displays a feed of most recent 5 updates for you. Again, you can click on each item and get right to work.
16. Log out: Once you have completed all your activity the Log out shortcut available only through the drop down for your picture and name (6) can securely log you out of Mentis. On successful log out you are redirected back to the Menits Login Page in case you need to log right back in.
Some of the shortcuts and features are redundant on the Mentis home page to ease your navigation in the system. For example,
You can go back to the Mentis Home Page by clicking on any one of the following
- Home
- Mentis Logo
- Home below Dashboard.
Stay tuned for more widgets to be added to the Mentis home page to make information even more accessible to you!
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