Version 2.7.0 and up
You can track your employment footprint and manage records and details of your employees here. Besides maintaining the state of work, physical address, job title etc. of the employee you can maintain notes on their telecommuting agreements and track items like legal notices, international/domestic travel, workers compensation etc.
Adding Employees
1. Once inside the ELC app, Select Employment Footprint from the sidebar items present under Manage ELC.
2. Click on Add button present on the right-hand side.
3. In Add a new Employee, you need to add details in fields namely, First Name (1), Last Name (2), Unique ID (3) is the ID given by university, SIS ID (4) is the Student Information System which is generated from the Banner ID, Job Tile (5), Department (6), Email (7), Work State (8), Address Line (9), City (10), State (11), Zip Code (12), Date of Hire (13), Is Current (14), Includes Travel (15), Includes Worker's Compensation Policy (16), Telecommuting Agreement (17) and Sent copy of Legal Notices (18). In Is Current (14) you need to select from yes or no, if you select no then a dialogue box for Date of Termination pops up where you can add employee termination date. Similarly, in Telecommuting Agreement (17) if you select yes then you can add telecommuting note.
4. Click on Save. This will be displayed as employment footprint for a particular employee.
Adding notes
Update (2.8.0): You can add case notes or files for a particular employee using option for Add or remove Notes.
Click here to know how to add or remove notes and files to employment footprint.
Editing or removing employees
1. You can edit employee details by using Edit button present under Actions.
2. You can also delete particular employee details using delete option present in the drop-down next to Edit button under Actions.
Searching Employment Footprint Records
1. You can review and manage employment footprint using search options for first name, last name, unique id, SIS id, department, work state, date of hire, is current?, includes travel?, includes worker's compensation policy?, telecommuting agreement? and sent copy of legal notices? present under Monitor Employment Footprint.
Accessing related reports
1. Once inside the Reports, select Employment Footprint Report from the drop-down present on the right-hand side.
2. You can filter Employment Footprint Report using filters for unique id, SIS id, first name, last name, job title, department, work state, address state, address city, address zipcode, is current?, includes travel?, workers compensation?, telecommuting agreement? and sent legal notices?
Note: You can export Employment Footprint Report in Excel and Comma Separated Values (CSV) file using Export button present on the right-hand side.
Note: From Version 2.9.4 and above, Employment Coordinator can access Employment Footprint Manage Page and Employment Footprint Report. |
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