Mentis uses Amazon Web Service (AWS) for its cloud infrastructure and provides a secure location on the AWS S3 for uploading any batch import files by your organisation. The short guide below provides instructions on how to configure your existing automation tool to work with AWS S3 using AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
1. Install
To get started you can install AWS CLI. A step-by-step guide for all major platforms are provided here:
2. Configure
Run following command:
$ aws configure |
Enter the following details when prompted. These details would have been shared with you already. If you have not received these, please contact us at
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
- Default region name
- Default output format
For more details refer
3. Copy files
Run the following command to copy the file to S3 bucket (assuming you are currently in the directory containing files.)
aws s3 cp <your_file_path> s3://upload-path/<file_name> |
Or, for permanently moving the files to S3, you can run the following command instead:
aws s3 mv <your_file_path> s3://upload-path/<file_name> |
Your upload path will be provided to you along with your credentials.
For advanced usage refer
4. Schedule
Schedule these commands to autorun in your favourite automation tool.
For additional information or assistance with this, email us at
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