Note: You need administrative privileges to create profiles for other users.
1. Once inside the profile app, click on + New Profile present under Profile Home or +New Profile button present on the left-hand side.
2. In New Profile, you need to select
- Profile type (1) from equipment, facility, group, laboratory, person, technology or unit,
- Profile owner (2) (user should be an existing user in the system),
- Email Address (4),
- Phone Number (5),
- Designation (6),
- Department (7).
Note: Profile type like equipment, facility, laboratory, and technology are premium features.
3. Click on Create profile.
You can directly start editing the new profile or you can get back to it later by looking it up under All Profiles from the left-hand side menu.
Editing a Profile
1. In the profile app, click on All Profiles present under Profile Home.
2. Now click on Edit button present under Actions and start editing the profile.
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