Step 1 : First step to add live performance of your creative work is to login into mentis.
Step 2 : Click on “My Profile” present in the drop-down menu of profile name on top right-hand corner of the webpage.
Step 3 : Click on “Add new” present in “Live Performances” under “Creative Activities”. You can also use “Please click here to add” link to add details live performance of your creative work. You can edit or remove details entered by using “Edit”. You can rearrange details entered by using “Rearrange” button present on right-hand side.
Step 4 : In “New Live Performances” you can add details in sub-steps namely “Title & Description”,“Status”, “Additional Info” and “Visibility”. The introduction consist of instructions about using next and accept to save your information. Each sub-step is interconnected by “Next” and “Previous” button.
Step 4.1 : In “Title & Description” you need to add “Title” and “Description” of live performance. You can copy and paste details in description form some existing source.
Step 4.2 : In sub-step “Status” you need add date of activity occurred in month and year format under “Date Performed”. You can use checkbox “Refereed/Juried”, if your activity’s performance was peer-reviewed or refereed.
Step 4.3 : In sub-step “Additional Info” you can attach additional document such as class handouts, click the “Attach Documents” link to attach document. Click “Add Links" to add link for existing source which provides more details about creative work.
Step 4.4 : In sub-step “Visibility” you can control the visibility of particular live performance of your creative work by using checkbox “Hide from my public profile”.
Step 5 : Now click on “Accept”. This would be displayed as live performance of your creative work.
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