Available till Version Mentis 2.9.X
Here you can manage all units which you add as institutions or organisations and their departments. You can add units from this manage page and also while updating the profile page.
Manage Units
1. Once inside the Admin area, select All Units from the sidebar present under Manage Units.
2. Click on the Add button present on the right-hand side.
3. In Create a new Unit, you need to add Name (1), Types (2) as Academic, Administrative, Annual Review Committee, Center, Charge Center, Community Partner, Department, External Institution, Faculty Search Committee, Grant Management Sponsor, Group, Lab, NIH, Organized Research Centre of Excellence, Other, Program, School/College, Sponsor and University. If the unit is not related to your present institution or organisation, mark the unit as External (3). Parent (4), and Acronym (5).
Note: i) By default the Parent is "The University". For adding Parent as internal unit please refer point 4.
ii) If the unit is added through this manage page, by default marked as Active and Verified. Further, if the unit is added while updating profile then it should be marked as Verified by System Admin or Org Admin.
4. For adding Parent, please click on Browse and select. Select the particular parent unit and click on Select button.
Note: i)You can filter the Parent Unit by name and types.
ii) When you mark a unit as External and click on Browse and select, it shows all the external parent units and vice versa.
5. Click on Save. This will be displayed as Unit.
Edit, Delete or Merge Unit
1. You can edit or delete a particular unit using the edit or delete button present under Actions. While deleting a particular unit please make sure that unit is not used anywhere.
2. Further, you can merge a particular unit using Merge option present under Actions.
2.1. Click on Merge button present under Actions.
2.2. Select the unit you want the particular unit to get merged with. And click on Merge.
Filtering All Units
1. You can manage units by using search options for name, parent unit, verified and external.
Known issue: There are no stop-checks warning you or stopping you from entering duplicate records. We are working on this issue and will be resolved in a future release.
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