Mentis requires that a user have an at least one affiliation associated with a unit. This helps place the user with the university's organizational structure. This article describes the steps required to manage this for users in Mentis.
Related Article: How to add a user to Mentis.
Adding User Unit Affiliation
1. Once inside the Admin area, select User Unit Affiliation present under Manage Users & Roles.
2. In User Unit Affiliation, click on Add button present on the right-hand side.
3. In Create a affiliation for user, follow the following steps:
(1) Search and select the user
(2) Search and select the unit
(3) Select an existing affiliation from the default list of unit head, assistant unit head, faculty, staff, student, office admin, alumni, member, affiliate, employee and unit administrator.
(4) Indicate if this affiliation of the user with the unit, is primary for the user. When in doubt select Yes.
(5) Indicate if this affiliation is primary for the unit. When in doubt again select Yes.
Fields (4) and (5) are useful when users have affiliations with many units. For e.g. a user can be a member of a committee and the department head of another department and a faculty with yet another department.
Note: Click on the respective topic to learn more about managing users, managing unit, managing affiliations.
4. Click on Save to finalize your changes.
Edit or Delete User Unit Affiliation
1. You can edit or delete a particular user unit affiliation using Edit or Delete button present on the right-hand side under Actions.
Searching for a User Unit Affiliation record
1. You can search for any user's unit affiliation by entering keywords in the appropriate fields for the user, affiliation, primary for user and primary for the unit.
1. The affiliations required for selecting in User Unit Affiliation is added through a separate Admin page "Affiliations" present under Manage Users and Role.
Important: If you want to edit or add any affiliation which is not present in the select box of User Unit Affiliation, only then following steps should be carried out.
2. Click Add button present on the right-hand side.
3. In Create a New Affiliation, you just need to add the name of the affiliation which you want to affiliate with the user.
Note: The verified checkbox is by default marked as a tick.
4. Click on Save to save the record.
5. You can edit, delete or merge a record in Affiliations using respective buttons present under Actions.
5. You can search for affiliation using the search box for name and verified.
Known issue: No message appears when an affiliation is successfully merged with another affiliation by you. We are working on this issue and will be resolved in future release. In the meantime, please confirm your changes by reviewing the list of affiliations manually.
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