Available till Version Mentis 2.9.X
Mentis has pre-built roles that allow for providing different functionality to different users based on the roles they have been assigned. These roles also govern the different menu items that are visible to the user throughout Mentis. This article explains how a user can be assigned a role.
Important: Before assigning a role to the user, the user's record should be available in Mentis and also the user should have an affiliation for that unit.
Adding User Unit Role
1. Once inside the Admin area, select User Unit Role present under Manage Users & Roles.
2. Click on Add button present on the right-hand side.
3.In Create a new User Unit Role, you need to select a User(1), Unit (2), Role (3) and Affiliation (5).
Note: Roles can be assigned by any permutation and combination of User, Unit and/or Affiliation (at least one of these fields is required). Learn more about managing roles here.
For example, if we wanted to assign the role "ELC Admin" a user "Sarah Taylor" for their affiliation as "staff" in the "Provost office", we can fill out all these fields and assign then the role of the ELC Admin. Alternatively, if we want all staff members in the Provost office to have the role of the ELC Admin, we can simply leave the user field blank and fill out the rest of the fields. With this alternative approach, when the user's affiliation with the Provost Office changes because they moved to a different department or are no longer with the organization you do not need to make any changes. Similarly, when new users are added to the Provost office unit with the staff affiliation no additional steps are required to make them ELC Admins.
Another great use of this feature is to assign a certain role to all users from all units that have a certain affiliation a role. For e.g. you could assign all Unit Heads (affiliation) the role of Unit Head in Mentis that then allows them to run reports in Mentis for their units without requiring any additional permissions.
4. Click on Save to finalize the change.
Edit or Delete Unit User Role
1. You can edit or delete unit user role using the edit or delete button present under Actions.
Searching through User Unit Roles
1. You can search for records in User Unit Role by using search options for user, unit, affiliation and role.
Known issue: Search for partial keywords does not work in the Manage User page. We are working on this issue and will be resolved in future release. In the meantime, you can continue using the search using the full keyword.
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